This is a public / personal space for myself online.
I had a broken website on this domain for many years which was always a bit embarassing! was the md5 hash of an important file that I lost a long time ago. I chose .info because it is the gTLD created specifically for unrestricted use (arguably the other gTLD are de facto unrestricted).
There are quite a few Ben[jamin] Aylott online including one who currently does quite a similar job to me! I'm the one that was born in Dorset, went to uni in Birmingham, and then lived in London/Sweden/Manchester. I studied theoretical physics at uni and after graduating 'dabbled' in academia and teaching ...but it wasn't for me.
During uni I developed a strong interest in fighting climate change (amongst other things) and my next move was a masters in solar energy engineering. Off the back of that I spent six years working as a Systems Engineer for an energy services co-operative in Manchester called Carbon Co-op trying to make local/community energy systems a bit 'smarter'.
During my time at Carbon Co-op I drank the cloud kool aid and now work in 'energy tech' at the intersection of Platform / DevOps / SRE / backend software engineering.
Ben Aylott